Alle unsere Eigenmarkengarne werden ausschließlich aus natürlichen Materialien gefärbt. Wir verwenden keine Schwermetalle oder andere farbverstärkende Chemikalien. Alle unsere Farbstoffe stammen nach Möglichkeit aus biologischem Anbau und werden selbst angebaut. Alle unsere Garne bestehen ausschließlich aus natürlichen Materialien wie Yak, Wolle, Seide, Ramie, Bambus und Brennnessel.
Wir führen auch Donegal-Tweed-Garn, diese werden jedoch nicht von uns gefärbt.
Lása Mónóg (Cranberry) ~ Wool yarn naturally dyed with organically grown cochineal bugs
Lása is an unusual addition to our yarn range and should strictly speaking be on the weaving page. It is considered a weaving yarn and I always feel like getting loom every time I look at it! The colour uptake of this yarn is unreal ~ incredibly deep and satisfied colours, though still being semi solids. Lása can be added as an additional yarn to thicken a thin yarn or even held double, though it is very fine. For the lace maker a joy to work with and anyone else who enjoys delicate knits.
Lása is made from 100% pure wool. The yarn is fully processed in Peru, from raising and shearing of the sheep to the finished yarn.
Once done, we apply the final colour touch, using only sustainable, no impact dyeing methods and organic ingredients. Lása is a joy to dye and it has a beautiful saturated, deep, yet semi solid, colour uptake.
In a nutshell:
Weight: 100g = 3.5 oz skeins
Meterage: 1000m = 1093yards = 2ply lace yarn
Suggested Knitting Needles: 2-3mm (metric needle size) = Size 3-4 (USA)
Olann Bhog Mónóg (Cranberry)~ Wool yarn naturally dyed with organically grown cochineal bugs
Olann Bhog is a bouncy, versatile soft sport weight yarn, starring in our Winnie the Pooh Children's pattern collection: Forest Friends. Olann Bhog, formerly known as Softwool, has been with us from the very beginning and a good number of patterns have been written for it. You can find those in the Pattern section. It is a traditional favourite and a pleasure to knit with.
Olann Bhog is made from 100% pure wool. The yarn is fully processed in Peru, from raising and shearing of the sheep to the finished yarn.
Once done, we apply the final colour touch, using only sustainable, no impact dyeing methods and organic ingredients. Corrie is a joy to dye and it has a beautiful saturated, yet semi solid colour uptake.
In a nutshell:
Weight: 100g = 3.5 oz skeins
Meterage: 300m = 328yards = Sport
Suggested Knitting Needles: 3.5-4mm (metric needle size) = Size 5-6 (USA)
Corrie Mónóg (Cranberry) ~ Wool yarn naturally dyed with organically grown cochineal bugs
Corrie is a soft single ply, velvety yarn that knits up quickly. It is our little sister to our chunkier Stockholm range and our first dyed DK yarn. It is a pleasant, fast knitting yarn, good for beginners and for quick projects!
Corrie is made from 100% pure wool. The yarn is fully processed in Peru, from raising and shearing of the sheep to the finished yarn.
Once done, we apply the final colour touch, using only sustainable, no impact dyeing methods and organic ingredients. Corrie is a joy to dye and it has a beautiful saturated, yet semi solid colour uptake.
In a nutshell:
Weight: 100g = 3.5 oz skeins
Meterage: 200m = 219yards = DK
Suggested Knitting Needles: 4mm (metric needle size) = Size 6 (USA)
Turin Mónóg (Cranberry) ~ Wool/Silk/Ramie yarn dyed with organically grown cochineal bugs
Turin has been an old time favourite in our collection. This magical yarn effortlessly transforms into durable socks or luxurious clothing. The yarn is soft, light and has a gorgeous sheen. The added Ramie (processed nettle) and silk content, gives this yarn the needed strength for long lasting socks, sweaters and other garments. As you can see an absolute all rounder!
Turin is made from 60% pure wool, 20% mulberry silk and 20% Ramie. The wool comes from South America, the ramie fibre and mulberry silk is imported from China and the final yarn is spun in Czechia, Europe.
Once done, we apply the final colour touch, using only sustainable, no impact dyeing methods and organic ingredients. Turin is a joy to dye and it has a beautiful saturated, yet semi solid colour uptake.
In a nutshell:
Weight: 100g = 3.5 oz skeins
Meterage: 425m = 465yards = 4ply
Suggested Knitting Needles: 3mm (metric needle size) = Size 3 (USA)
Lima Mónóg (Cranberry)~ Wool/Linen/Tussah Silk yarn dyed with organically grown cochineal bugs
Lima is a new and rather cool addition to our growing yarn range. The yarn is soft, light and with a little sheen. Rather than mulberry silk, Lima is made using tussah silk, also known as peace silk. The worm had the chance to leave the cocoon, creating a partly crystalized silk thread. This results in a difficult fibre to dye, but works beautifully in a blended yarn.
Add the linen content and Lima has a more speckled and slightly textured appearance. Lima is a versatile yarn, with structure, softness and longevity. A pleasure to knit and wear, especially in the warmer seasons.
Lima is made from 50% pure wool, 25% Tussah silk and 25% Linen. The entire wool production is done in Peru from the raising of the sheep to the finished yarn. The mulberry silk is imported from China and the linen from South America, but all is spun in Peru.
Once done, we apply the final colour touch, using only sustainable, no impact dyeing methods and organic ingredients.
In a nutshell:
Weight: 100g = 3.5 oz skeins
Meterage: 350m = 383yards = 4ply/Sport
Suggested Knitting Needles: 3mm (metric needle size) = Size 4 (USA)
Síoda Mónóg (Cranberry)~ Merino Silk yarn dyed with organically grown cochineal bug
Síoda is one of our favourite sellers. The yarn is soft, light and yet with a light drape. The high mulberry silk content gives it a beautiful sheen and a signature luxury similar to our yeti yarn. A pleasure to knit and a joy to wear.
Síoda is made from 50% Mulberry Silk and 50% Merino wool. The entire wool production is done in Peru from the raising of the sheep to the finished yarn. The mulberry silk is imported from China, but all is spun in Peru.
Once done, we apply the final colour touch, using only sustainable, no impact dyeing methods and organic ingredients.
In a nutshell:
Weight: 100g = 3.5 oz skeins
Meterage: 440m = 481 yards = 4ply
Suggested Knitting Needles: 2-3mm (metric needle size) = Size 3-4 (USA)
Stockholm ist ein wunderschönes, einfaches, halbfestes Garn, sehr weich und leicht zu stricken. Einen Pullover kann man innerhalb von ein paar Tagen stricken und er eignet sich für Schnellstricker, Kinder und Anfänger. Es macht Freude, damit zu arbeiten, und aufgrund seines voluminösen Gewichts liefert es schnelle und zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse sowie ein sauberes und sichtbares Gestrick.
Musterdesign von Ailbíona McLochlainn
100 m/109 Yards
6–9 mm Nadeln
Zum Filzen geeignet
Faserherkunft : Amerika auf freien Farmen
Natürlich gefärbt mit organischem frischem Irish Weld
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