The birch tree, scientifically named Betula pendula, is a type of thin-leaved deciduous hardwood tree found in the Betulaceae family. This family includes other types of trees such as alders, hazels, and hornbeams, and is closely related to the beech-oak family Fagaceae. When using birch bark (cut), be aware that the dye colour of pink, browns, and salmon, though very pretty, can have poor to medium colour fastness.
Colour fastness: poor - medium
Basic Recipe:
Alum (mordant) 10-15% D.W.F
Birch Bark 100-200% D.W.F
Pour boiling water over the bark and steep for 24-48h
Boil the bark for two hours and strain. Add the mordanted yarn to the bath and leave until desired colour outcome or overnight.
*You can change the colour using iron, or other shifters like soda ash or citric acid