A beautiful wooden Knitting fork, also known as Lucet, ideal for small hands. Made out of one piece of sustainably harvested beech wood, this Lucet it is sturdy and thick. My children tried it and are delighted with it. It isn't flimsy and the opening is big enough for a chunky cord.
Made out of beech wood
Length 20cm
Instructions included
A Knitting For Kit is also available here:
KNITTING FORK KIT – AppleOak FibreWorks
How to use a knitting fork:
1. Put the end of the yarn through the hole, keep hold of it with your thumb.
2. Put 2 'eights' around the two tines of your fork, one 8 on top of the other.
3. Now lift the lower '8' and put it over the '8' on top, one tine at a time, pull gently on the yarn end.
4. Put another '8' around the tines of the fork and repeat step 3.
Repeat step 3 and 4 until you have the desired length.