I Year Professional natural dyeing course
SOLD OUT ~ The Natural Dyers Academy 1 year course 2025
SOLD OUT ~ The Natural Dyers Academy 1 year course 2025
SOLD OUT ~ The Natural Dyers Academy 1 year course 2025
SOLD OUT ~ The Natural Dyers Academy 1 year course 2025
SOLD OUT ~ The Natural Dyers Academy 1 year course 2025
SOLD OUT ~ The Natural Dyers Academy 1 year course 2025
SOLD OUT ~ The Natural Dyers Academy 1 year course 2025

SOLD OUT ~ The Natural Dyers Academy 1 year course 2025

Regular price €145,00 Save €-145,00
Hello! The enrollment gate for the 2026 course will open in May 2025.

 Once booked, you will receive an invite to the course platform. There you will find an introduction, explaining the course and platform in detail. I'm looking forward to seeing you there! Talk soon! Jennifer

Not sure if you like to join this year? You can also join our Natural Dyers Academy's Community Platform for free to be kept in the loop with updates or join our Co~Lab spaces to take part in dye alongs, ask questions, join zoom meetings, meet others and see course students' portfolio work! 

Cost and Payment information:

This course can be paid in full as a once off payment or paid in 12 monthly payments paid monthly during the course. 

The cost of the course as a once off payment is 1,550 Euro or 145€ monthly.

We are delighted to tell you, that all our Irish students will receive 40% funding from NOTS. We will be keeping you informed, when the gateway will open on their website, as you will have to book through them to avail of the discount. The total for the course will then be 930€ ~ monthly payment possibility will have to be confirmed.

Monthly payment plan ~ if you prefer to pay monthly, you can do so here! We will send you an invite via email for you to access the course. By the end of January, we will send you another invite setting you up for a monthly payment subscription until the end of the course in December. 

After a meet & greet online session (date will be confirmed), we will officially have the first online meeting and start of the course, on Tuesday,16th of January 2025.

All subsequent meetings will happen on Tuesdays at 11am & 4pm, Irish time.

You will receive a material/equipment list shortly after purchase, with an option to purchase a 'ready to go dye box' and a 'ready to go fibre box' at a discounted rate in our online shop. There will be a discount available for purchasing fibre/yarn/fabric, but I would stress that it is best to use what you are intending to use in the future, after all this course will be creating your portfolio, not mine! ;-)


2024 Student's testimonials

The Natural Dye Course offered by Apple Oak has been a wonderful experience. It's a well blended curriculum of the history and science of natural dyeing. Jennifer does an excellent job or leading and supporting her students through the course work. She provides support through problem solving, expanding on specific topics as needed and presenting clear and concise information. It is also a very accessible platform that has made it easy for myself who has a learning disorder (reading is hard) to navigate and use. Overall I would highly recommend the professional dye course to anyone seeking to further their knowledge of natural dyes and the fiber arts through dyeing. - Valeria Q. (Ireland)

« I have found this course really worthwhile, Jennifer is super knowledgeable, helpful and patient. At the beginning I was a little overwhelmed by the portfolio work involved but once I got stuck into it, I’m absolutely loving it! Seeing colour appear before my eyes from only tannin and iron has been so amazing and I can’t wait to move on to the other colors!!- Caroline B. (Switzerland)

I am a complete novice when it comes to natural dying. The course sounded very comprehensive and supportive so I decided to give it a whirl. I am now almost 5 months into it and am absolutely loving it so much. Although it took me a while to get my head into the space of measurements and science, Jennifer and Tristan were very supportive with questions asked and made sure everyone was on the page. It has opened up a whole new world to me and I would thoroughly recommend it. There has been a lot covered so far so my advice would be to tip away at the work so that it doesn't become overwhelming especially if your a beginner like myself. I'm looking forward to meeting the class in person and seeing the studio in the flesh. - Louise G. (Ireland)

Jennifer and Tristen have put together an amazing course!  I have been naturally dying for for a number of years and thought a knew a lot, until I began my journey with The Natural Dyers Academy.  Each module brings something new, and shifts my way of looking at a process.  Although the Academy is over zoom, it never feels impersonal.  The cohort of learners are so willing to help one another and to offer encouragement.  Jennifer has really created a nurturing learning environment. Jennifer and Tristin are always available if a question arises and you never have to wait until the next meeting to raise a question.  I am so excited about creating my own work portfolio and plan on filling in with more of my own recipes based upon what I am learning.  - Joanmarie S. (USA)


The Course

This course is fully online, consists of 12 modules; scheduled over 12 months, starting mid January of each year. Each module will open on the first of the month giving you access to written and illustrated material, to guide you through the particular topic of that module. Each module also contains a quiz and a project; which will result in recipes and samples for your portfolio on that topic. 

The Structure

With each module you will have approximately 1 week to read through and familiarize yourself with that topic, followed by an online live session to revise the material and help you prepare for that module's portfolio work. On the last week of each month, there will be a second live session to review your portfolio work, consolidate knowledge for that module and answer any questions remaining. All live sessions will be recorded and available for anyone unable to attend on the day. 

Each of the modules are supported by dedicated Collaborative Exchange Spaces on the platform where participants can post their creations, ask questions and connect on that topic. During the final project work, there will be a 20min 1:1 session for each participant.

The Content

The 12 modules will cover the following: 

  1. Fibres and their differences (Jan)
  2. All about Mordanting (Feb)
  3. Using Tannins (March)
  4. Creating Blues (April)
  5. Creating Yellows (May)
  6. Creating Reds (June)
  7. Creating Secondary Colours (July)
  8. Creating More Secondary Colours (Aug)
  9. Lake making and other Processes (Sept)
  10.  Printing and other Techniques (Oct)
  11.  Industry standards/Personal project (Nov)
  12. Personal Projects & presentations (Nov/Dec)

The Special addition

Throughout the course there will also be an option to take part in 5 online sessions, taught by organic gardener and seed saver Tristan Lienhard; on growing Woad, Weld, Madder and other dye plants organically. This will include organic horticultural principles, sowing and specific requirements for each crop, harvesting and seed saving. 

The Celebration

All projects will be presented and celebrated during the final 2 weeks of the course. The course will conclude in the first week of December with a final live session, where each participant will receive their AppleOak FibreWorks Natural Dye Academy certificate. 

The Time Required

Depending on the module you will need roughly 12 -25 hours per month to read through the course work, attend the live sessions and complete the portfolio work.

    Course outcome

    After attending this course, you will be able to open up your own professional dye practice, incorporate natural dyeing in your art or crafting business successfully, teach others, take it further or simply become a really good home/hobby dyer. 

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